Friday, October 12, 2007

end of term!

I made it to the end of first term. I can hardly believe it. I just finished up my report cards. I can't believe that either. It's so weird to be giving kids grades. I mean, these things are going to be forever scrapbooked or boxed up (if you're like my family) to be preserved forever. I mean, seriously...this is big stuff!

I am on break school next week. I'm pretty excited about that. I'm off to the lake for this weekend (no more bad food though, don't worry). It's going to be so nice. This time I really will post pictures when I get back.

Things to pray for:
1. safe travel to the lake and back
2. rest and relaxation combined with productivity over the break
3. parent teacher conferences the week after break

Thanks for all you do to encourage and support me. Many blessings to you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congradulations on making it through the first part of teaching. I hope you re
lax and enjoy your break!