Friday, September 7, 2007

Update on my Classroom

Hey everyone! Thanks for your prayers and encouraging emails and comments. I really appreciate it! It is Friday and I am so happy! Here is my story to prove to you that I teach in Africa (with a picture for a visual aid).

Mecha (pronounced Meesha): Miss Miller, can Shaun get the roach out of my desk?

Me: The what? From where? What are you talking about?

Mecha: There is a cockroach in my desk and Shaun wants to get it.

Me: Let me see....oh, yes, yes there is a big bug in your desk.

*At this point I'm wondering if it is ok to let a student get it out, because I certainly am not going to touch it. Then, I remembered that I have an aide.*

Me: Mr. Joel, will you please get the big bug out?

Now, talk about a distraction! Haha. It doesn't help when the teacher is freaking out way more than the students, and taking pictures for the blog! We had a long talk about how I am afraid of many kinds of bugs. Here's the pic:

My favorite pic of the day: Keith and Zizwa, they are friends. And the two biggest trouble makers in my class! Keith is also my little singer. I am going to teach my kids "Oh Happy Day" to sing in chapel and Keith already knows all the words! I'm thinking soloist! Please pray for these two little guys as you think about it.

I'm off to the lake for a relaxing weekend. Pray that I can actually relax, without worrying too much or thinking too much about school.

Big praise of the day: The containter is fianlly here and it (hopefully) has my classroom library, math manipulatives, and some organizational stuff in it! Yay! I'm so excited!

Thanks for all of your support! I miss and love you all!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the new post! Sounds like a fun classroom. I love your idea to teach your class "oh Happy Day!" You'll have to video tape that and post it on youtube or something. LOVE YOU! Kristi Weathers.