Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Zim Elections, take two

Please remember to pray for Zimbabwe. They are having their run off election on the 26th or 27th- three months after the original elections. The situation has gone from horrible to horrific in the time since the first election. The governement has now cut of all help from outside meaning the little food that was coming in is no longer allowed. The children who were getting one meal every three days are now getting no meals. The situtation is heartbreaking, and seemingly hopeless. We just have to keep praying and trusting that God has his hand in this situation somehow.

My friends, the Saywoods, are traveling by car through Zim in just a few days. They are from Zim but have lived in Malawi for the last 5 years. They have been planning for weeks what to say at the borders and police stops. They are planning on bringing as many groceries as possible to their relatives, but they have a 70% chance of getting them taken away at a police stop. Please keep them in your prayers in the next few weeks.

Other things to pray for:
1. traveling mercies for myself and others who are traveling (I'm leaving Malawi tomorrow and will be in New York City for 4 days)

2. peace of mind, heart, and body as I travel (believe it or not, I really don't like it!)

3. academy preparations for next year (new staff, supplies and materials coming, etc.)

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