Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Rainy Season!

I'm sitting here listening to rain pounding on my tin roof and huge claps of thunder. The rainy season is officially here! Nikita made me this card to celebrate the beginning of a new season. The bugs she is talking about are ngumbi (flying termites). They "attack" after the first rain. Malawians fry ngumbi and eat them. I hear they taste like bacon bits. The bottom picture is from the window in my living room.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I just realized you had a blog. It's the rainy season here too (Indonesia) so now it is stormy almost every afternoon and very humid. I kind of like it because if you ignore the humidity and only think of the rain it seems like Oregon and how it should be in November...cold and rainy. But the cockroaches are coming out more which I do not appreciate. We'll be praying for you.